Law Degree from the University of Valencia, CEU San Pablo University College. 1.998.
Course 1996/1997 Faculté de droit et Science Politiques de Clermont-Ferrand (France).
Degree in Political Science and Administration, National University of Distance Education.
2018 .

He joined the Corps of Property, Movable Goods and Mercantile Registrars in 2002, taking possession of its first Land Registry in Yeste (Albacete) on May 21, 2003.

Since then, he has served as a titleholder in the Land Registry of Gandesa (Tarragona) 2005- 2005.2009, Land Registry of Almansa (Albacete) 2.009- 2018 and Land Registry of Elda 2 (Alicante) 2018 to present; and as interim in the Registries of Monóvar (Alicante). 2004, La Roda (Albacete) 2011 ,Chinchilla de Montearagón (Albacete) 2013, and Elda 1 (Alicante) , 2019, 2021 y 2023.

Seconded to the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries in 2003. to 2005.

Trainer of candidates for the Registry of Records from 2003 to 2005.

He was a speaker at the XX IPRA CINDER Dubai Congress 2016, and the XXI Congress.

IPRA CINDER Cartagena de Indias 2018.

He has been a speaker at the 2018 World Bank Land Conference.

Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the XXII IPRA CINDER Oporto 2022 Congress.

He has lectured at the Valencia Bar Association on Inheritance and Succession Law. Land Registry.

He has contributed to several articles and publications such as "Los Contratos: Civil and Commercial Aspects published by the Centro de Estudios Colegio de Registradores de España in 2007. Co-author of Chapter 6 on "Data processing in the Real Estate and Mercantile Registries and the The Registrar's view. "in the Commentary to the General Rules for the Protection of Personal Property. data and the organic law on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights. Edited by Thomas Reuters Aranzadi 2021